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Pig Awful were a Belfast punk band active from 1981 to 1983. The “Pigs” were Colin Glenn (Colin Brown, later of Doomed Youth, Pete Bacon (Peter Barron); Markie Meat -guitar/backing vocals, (Marky Wilson later of Doomed Youth), Andy Rasher – drums (Andrew Murdoch] and Dave Rasher - guitar/vocals (David Scott, later of The Motorcycle Boy) Occasional vocals were provided by Ruth Rind (Ruth Fletcher).
Peter Barron recalls how the band’s name came about “The name was coined in Jimmy Sunshine's English class one Monday morning after a not very successful Sunday afternoon practice session round mine. Colin said: “What did you think of the practice?” I said: 'Pig Awful’ and the legend was born”.

The band’s set included covers such as the Bay City Roller's, “There Goes My Baby”, Wire’s “Lowdown”, “First Time” by the Boys, and T Rex's “Life's a Gas”. They had of course their own compositions too; including a Joy Division-inspired instrumental signature tune entitled “Pig Awful”. One live tape of the band is known to exist.

David Scott later played with The Motorcycle Boy (Rough Trade and Chrysalis Records), Riverhead (Avalanche Records) and The Smokescreen (Pocketbook Records). Peter Barron is now Google's head of communications and public affairs for the UK, Ireland and Benelux regions. Prior to this, he was Editor of Newsnight and sometime handler of Jeremy Paxman. Andrew Murdoch manages Guide Dogs for the Blind. Colin Brown later played with Doomed Youth and Crazy Pink Revolvers.

During Covid lockdown, the band ‘got together’ on line and recorded a new track, called The Albert Clock which can be heard below. They also recorded a few old tunes which were never recorded at the time, including a song that has the most meaning to the Pigs, ‘Pig Awful’.



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